GamingPC.App + GamingAi.App = epic gaming...
STAY TUNED FOR THE LAUNCH OF ALL PCompCo's Ai PLATFORMS - By us blokes over at a variety of pseudomyn ext. AiPersonalComputer.Com - AiComputations.Com -AiComputerized.Com - AiPComp.Com GamingPCAi.Com AiPComputer.Com - EnterAiPC.Com and many, many more virtual extensions / applications which will allow users to enter a whole new internet - we have dubbed the EnterNet.App - A preinstalled utility for use with our numerous search engines in the works such as - EnterNeti.Com - EntersNet.Com - EnterPComp.Com SurfsEasy.Com - SurfTheComp.Com - CompSurfer.Com - SearchTheComp.Com - SearchTheCPU.Com - SurfCPU.Com - SurfTheCPU.Com - CPUSurfer.Com SurfSeas.Com SurfTelly.Com (40 years later..). and son on, and so on... anyhoo - we have many more easy to explore search engines by the PComputer.Net for various applications or demographics as per client usage as well as our including TellyPC.Com channel surfing purposes mainly like SurfTelly in particular - And personalized gaming based search results - although we have not designated a search engine for gaming as of yet - PComputerGames.Com will have an extensive list of our gaming platforms URL page / upcoming events in the Gaming world - Such as competition streams - all of which will be available on gameplay streams - on one of numerous streaming sites such as TeleviseGames.Com - TViseGames.Com - GamingTelevised.Com TelevisedGaming.Com etc.. in addition to the game streaming platforms - by the - PCompCo. - - PersonalComps.Com - PortableComps.Com
AiNTELComp.Com - AskAiNTEL.Com
our inteligence division of information company Bro's in eliminating fake news - such as counter intuitive / counter productive intel spoon fed to the user base as many fake news forums debates/memes etc. Which are commonly spread on the existing internet as we know it... A time which predates our Virtual world entitled BabylonPC.Com which exist in its own universe altogether.. a separate entity - a unity - a union - imeasurable in any unit of measurement - known only as the CubicUni. (CubicUni.Com)
Welcome to a developing community with the express intent to provide real information on our news deliverance platforms such as PCTV.News PCTVNews.Com - NewsEHub.Com - & our AiNTeLComp.Com A counter intelligence division code named AiNTEL -Our goal is to prevent and re-route all troll articles and clown around time BS reports of either mentally unstable minds with paranoid delusions / delusions of grandeur and world conquest and everything under the sun too - The AiNtel division will re-route and most likey mock away articles (etc.. yadda yadda computer jargon) with mass hysteria implications - As our clinical Psychologist division notated a direct cause/ link with miss information/ manipulated information - Noting an Abnormal Psychology tid bit of relevant information pertaining to contagious mental illness's and how certain regions in the referendum are highlighted red - indicating affected regions of mass hysteria at the time ( late 90's) a study which predates the modern World Wide Web. - The Red affected regions were highlighted as to point to the affected masses - not exactly referring to mass shootings - although such acts of horrific violence are almost always linked to discussions between co-conspirators of such acts and almost always discovered upon the initial launch of investigations of said incidents pre/post acts to be the case - Not to imply this being the only instance of said Baaa'ing or' whatever the " BA Ba Black sheep motivational joke which is presented as a way to explain and refer to such events i.e. the recent event which entailed certain Trump followers' seemingly random act of mass hysteria "- A swarm of individuals storming the white house which is currently the example of what i like to call MAD Sheep syndrome - in a gist - allow me to paint you a picture of this sort of college level philosophical concept - assuming you either have not had the privilege/ ambitions etc. to study college level classes - or knew someone who had a better introduction to philosophy - in particular - the professor of said class - ' you'd know about the BAA Baa Baa' of the Maaaasssess" guy teaching everyone to be an asshole about it... Anyway we're here to explain everything we're working on and put it in laymen's terms - we pretty much intend to cut that sort of poisonous intel out of the equation.. At least in our Community on the internet. (= EnterNet.App=)(EnterNeti.Com(EntersNet.Com) And also use every bit of it for a slew of hilarious free ideas for skit comedy/ comedic news platforms / tv shows etc.. - on that not - feel free to play spam chesss pschobabble with out our Aintel team if you are shooting for your psychobabble to be aired for whatever reason you feel so possesed to do so on a different pltform than the many, many plats reserved for just that bit of paid pschobabble gone viral - being that we have numerous platforms allowing you to do so and make money / become real life PCTV.Network stars - (if all goes according to plan) - extentions Such as YouTVise.Com YouTeley.Com YouPCTV.Com - Youtely.Com - and the pre-installed YouTelly.App on all devices in/by our network - As we would rather not make a dollar on our yearly profit margins expense to salary ratio - aka employees paid - without Christmas bonuses for even the dudes at the bottom of the cheese wheel of production - not to mention the higher ups at the round table as per usual business models pertaining to yearly bonus checks even though we feel the need to draw a funny comic book cartoon with Tiny Tim and MR. Scrounge (the big cheese of Chesters chess game of big business chess troll spoof of specialized reps/ patsy fall guy Olympics - with a melted in snickers eating grin face of mad mag doodle madTV skit ending "mad in unison" doodle of a deranged mind on roids (you'd have to wait for the eventuial TellyCartoons.Com ToonTelly.Com TuneTelly.Com CartoonSea.Net CartoonShore.Com - debut to really get the picture) taboot haha - C.E.O troll extraordinaire than know what we could have done to right the worlds mistakes - yet chose to sell computers and computer accessories / streaming rev instead of free streams of television and movies - gaming plats - and how-to tutorials for game creation - with the help of Ai - using the GamingAi.App
Stay tuned for launch updates!!!!!
by the - Roebotics.Co / a Robotics company with a leet team of spelling bee losers (Bob dylan the times they are a changin' playin in the background to our montage soundtrack " for the loser now will be later to win - for the times they are achangin') - yet victors of a clear spelling infraction with poor grammer / usage of silent e 's in particular .. The poor bast - i mean our client yadda yadda .. yabba dabba doo!!! haha - buncha cave men it seems in a one armed man pig circus of a trial or whatever that means - says our chief writing correspondent who took special ed for breakfast camp and sadly still needs an editor to approve final drafts - but, even he (especially him) could clearly hear the annoying echo of his special ed reading teacher lady about them there silent e's in grammatically correct spelling for pronunciation of what is commonly called in english a Roebot - rather than a Rob-ot.. Which oddly enough in correct english/pronounced right and stuff is pronounced in the japanese language as it is spelled in a correct spelling/pronounciation - Ro-Bot-O i.e. the song (Domo Oregoto Misto) MR. Roboto - and oddly enough - we bought a Roeboto.Com extention because it's classic gold - they are leading the robotics industry in walking talking realistic humanoid robotic development - tech deveolpment - followed by but not limited to - a slew of more More Cartoonish gloating of our hope in working along side the pioneers with a shoe in by our standards of concept and of course the brand name which will sell the units the same way all classic household names seem to sell products - picture a Porsche - it'd still be a porsche 911 - however it would be lacking that classic household name pronounced poor-sh - poor-sha - or whatever - either way you look at it - our concepts as well as the name we have reserved will be on the market regardless - either with the help of fellow robotics tech companies or our underfunded less evolved walking talking rock em sock em iRoebots on the cutting edge out in Japan my man - Wish us luck in our eventual success Anyway - stay tuned for the launch TBA..
Roebot.Org - an organization of ours which defines excellence... Us the pioneers of the tech industry.. a promise we stand by and kinda laugh about our empty check books at the moment haha (single anime sweat on forehead emoji) - Thinkers and learned speller champs - concurers of the silent e overlooking in grammically correct english and stuff- The e used to emphasize the initial O sound in the word Robot - without said silent e - it would sound something similar to Rob-Ot - haha
haha our gloating troll of a Sunday paper spoof goes pretty much like this " the Roebotics.Co / Roebot.Org - An Organization - Nay a Company - well, pretty much a division of our scifi dream development team and our comedic minds in an effort to pay homage to one of our favorite authors Douglas Adams - of Science fiction humor - predating the advancement in the tech industry pertaining to Artificial intelligence - as well as the animatronic structure / development of modern day robots- and the ability to create Roebot programming based on genuine people personalities like o i dunno - marvin the Manically depressed Robot - another author what who can like spell gibberish made up words correctly and what not too.. Don't believe me - i implore you to pick up a book sheeple! - Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams in particular is riddled with gobbldy gook words - but, unlike those other - Roebotics companies - which are repping the made up name in a science fiction novel we here at Roebotics.Co take pride in our OG Roebot.Org organizations originality and all of which the others (Cough cough, Ahem not mentioning any names) unanimously that stuff which the other blokes stuck with and we're riding it out on an avatar esque flying Pokémon until our launch hoping we don't get taken over or whatever - scares me and Stephen Hawking as well - even to death (possibly)maybe)(it was one of his last quotes)(sorry..a bit too soon..possibly(we wont be basing a personality prototype on my totes un PC self - i just write for the Co.) unlike them other nobody robot peoples in the industry / or even the dang ole writer / editor of the Original scifi novel iRobot- not to mention the will smith film of recent years... And still they live in our infamous face palm glory real of our gloatings origin story.
enough nonsense and gloating though..
One of many of our companies goals -
the pioneers of the robotics industry - Stay tuned for updates.